Class: view

LuCI. view

The view class forms the basis of views and provides a standard set of methods to inherit from.

new LuCI.view()



Renders a standard page action footer if any of the handleSave(), handleSaveApply() or handleReset() functions are defined.

The default implementation should be sufficient for most views - it will render a standard page footer with action buttons labeled Save, Save & Apply and Reset triggering the handleSave(), handleSaveApply() and handleReset() functions respectively.

When any of these handle*() functions is overwritten with null by a view extending this class, the corresponding button will not be rendered.

Type Description
DocumentFragment Returns a DocumentFragment containing the footer bar with buttons for each corresponding handle*() action or an empty DocumentFragment if all three handle*() methods are overwritten with null.


The handleReset function is invoked when the user clicks the Reset button in the page action footer.

The default implementation should be sufficient for most views using form.Map() based forms - it will iterate all forms present in the view and invoke the Map.reset() method on each form.

Views not using Map instances or requiring other special logic should overwrite handleReset() with a custom implementation.

To disable the Reset page footer button, views extending this base class should overwrite the handleReset function with null.

The invocation of this function is wrapped by Promise.resolve() so it may return Promises if needed.

Name Type Description
ev Event

The DOM event that triggered the function.

Type Description
* | Promise.<*> Any return values of this function are discarded, but passed through Promise.resolve() to ensure that any returned promise runs to completion before the button is re-enabled.


The handleSave function is invoked when the user clicks the Save button in the page action footer.

The default implementation should be sufficient for most views using form.Map() based forms - it will iterate all forms present in the view and invoke the method on each form.

Views not using Map instances or requiring other special logic should overwrite handleSave() with a custom implementation.

To disable the Save page footer button, views extending this base class should overwrite the handleSave function with null.

The invocation of this function is wrapped by Promise.resolve() so it may return Promises if needed.

Name Type Description
ev Event

The DOM event that triggered the function.

Type Description
* | Promise.<*> Any return values of this function are discarded, but passed through Promise.resolve() to ensure that any returned promise runs to completion before the button is re-enabled.


The handleSaveApply function is invoked when the user clicks the Save & Apply button in the page action footer.

The default implementation should be sufficient for most views using form.Map() based forms - it will first invoke view.handleSave() and then call ui.changes.apply() to start the modal config apply and page reload flow.

Views not using Map instances or requiring other special logic should overwrite handleSaveApply() with a custom implementation.

To disable the Save & Apply page footer button, views extending this base class should overwrite the handleSaveApply function with null.

The invocation of this function is wrapped by Promise.resolve() so it may return Promises if needed.

Name Type Description
ev Event

The DOM event that triggered the function.

Type Description
* | Promise.<*> Any return values of this function are discarded, but passed through Promise.resolve() to ensure that any returned promise runs to completion before the button is re-enabled.


The load function is invoked before the view is rendered.

The invocation of this function is wrapped by Promise.resolve() so it may return Promises if needed.

The return value of the function (or the resolved values of the promise returned by it) will be passed as first argument to render().

This function is supposed to be overwritten by subclasses, the default implementation does nothing.

Type Description
* | Promise.<*> May return any value or a Promise resolving to any value.


The render function is invoked after the load() function and responsible for setting up the view contents. It must return a DOM Node or DocumentFragment holding the contents to insert into the view area.

The invocation of this function is wrapped by Promise.resolve() so it may return Promises if needed.

The return value of the function (or the resolved values of the promise returned by it) will be inserted into the main content area using dom.append().

This function is supposed to be overwritten by subclasses, the default implementation does nothing.

Name Type Description
load_results * | null

This function will receive the return value of the view.load() function as first argument.

Type Description
Node | Promise.<Node> Should return a DOM Node value or a Promise resolving to a Node value.